Total Compensation Statements: printed or digital?

Are you weighing your options? Here’s a look at our experience:

  • Employees see high value in a full color heavy-weight paper statement they can hold in their hands.
  • A printed statement provides an easy to read summary which the employee can readily show to family members.
  • While most financial reports and billing statements are going online, a hard copy statement is unique and significant.
  • A quality full color statement is likely to be viewed more than once. Many employees save their statements from year to year.
  • Printed total compensation statements provide an increased level of confidentiality as they can be delivered via US Mail or in person to the employee.
  • Printed employee benefit statements are simple to use and easy to understand for all employees, including those who do not have online access.
  • One of our clients of over 2000 employees asked their employees if they preferred having only a digital copy of their statement. Less than 11% ever made that request for five years running.

myBenefitStatements provides both printed and digital copies of our paper statements in PDF format for those employers who want to post them online.

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